Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 down...passing "the hump" mark!

Everyone says 2 weeks is the "hump point"....if you can get past 2 weeks of a diet, of working out, of waiting to see results that this is when the results start showing up and it becomes easier etc...well i haven't dropped 20 lbs but the other night i was out to eat and it was surprisingly easy to sit next to stephen with his giant calzone and be okay with not having my own....i had a salad. right now i'm craving a large pepparoni pizza and crazy bread but i guess the easiness comes and goes...i wasn't able to find a scale today I did however work out for the first time in probably a year, besides yoga. we did arms and abs and my arms feel like 20lbs of dead weight right now...tomorrow should be interesting.

although apparently if i'm wanting to lose weight i should only lift weights about twice a week and focus mainly on cardio...which is hard to do with asthma and exercise induced allergic reactions...however tomorrow i believe i'll try to run and see how it goes....i don't know if 2 weeks is long enough for all the gluten and built up toxins/remains etc to get out of my system so that i don't have an allergic reaction but i guess we'll find out....i'm sure it will be more like a fat boy jog but hey it's something! so here's to two weeks down and 4 more to go...and here's to eating nothing today but smoothies...didn't plan it like that but i had one for breakfast, one when i got to work, and since i'm broke and have no groceries it looks like i'll be making a protein stocked smoothie for dinner! talk about cutting calories! lol ahhh who am i kidding, i'll probably hit up wendy's for some chili...mmmmm.

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