Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aaaand 5 months later....I really have to work on this.

Well friends, this isn't going to be a long blog even though it's been five months since my last one but since I only got 3 hours of sleep last night and have to get up around 630 in the morning and it's 10pm now, I'm about to hit the sack to try to regain at least a sliver of my sanity which I always lose when I don't get sleep. Anywho, I apologize for my absence, it really it shameful. I will try to be more diligent with this, beginning Thursday, since tomorrow I have class, work for 7 hours and then am going to see the musical Wicked with my sister, mom and susan. Hooray for girls' night! I hope everyone is doing well and will update you more on my life and the random, chaotic, over-analytic thought processes of my brain. I know you can't wait. Until Thursday.