All of this started maybe about a month or so ago when I just grew sick and tired of being sick and tired. I know that's cliche but it's the truth. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was young however it was more of a random asthma attack every year or so than something that really bothered me. I also have had allergies since I was just about everything. The usual, grass, pollen, cat dander, mold, yada yada. But in highschool I played every sport imaginable (volleyball, basketball, softball, track for one year and cheerleading for basketball one year) and besides some sinus annoyances with the changing seasons and pollen etc nothing really bothered me to the point that I could not continue with my activities and life.
Fast forward about 6 years or so....I'm now going to list every single one of the health problems that I've been dealing with for about the last 4 years maybe? Maybe a little bit less...but at least for the last 2-3 years for sure. This section may sound like a whiny, "woe is me" pity party however I'm only going to list these 1) to have a list to go by to document hopeful changes and improvements, and 2) for anyone who might read this blog to understand just how bad my health has gotten (while obviously it is nowhere near the tragedy some people have to deal with and those people deserve our prayers and compassion everyday) and hopefully the impact that changing your diet, adding exercise, and doing some drastic measures to cleanse your body can have on our lives! So, now onto the wonderful list that is my life:
-asthma: I have apparently developed exercise induced asthma where I react to something I ate earlier that I'm allergic to so when my heart rate goes up and my system "gets moving" I start to react and my lungs close. I can hardly jog a mile to a mile and a half before my lungs start to tighten and hurt and I have to slow down or I'll send myself into an asthma attack. I also in general have trouble breathing in day to day activities. Walking to class, I end up breathing very heavily. I wake up not being able to breathe very well, I have to use my inhaler throughout the day sometimes.
-allergies: My allergies have gotten way out of control lately. It may be due to food allergies, I've been told I'm allergic to gluten and dairy...what was interesting is that I was told that MOST people have a food allergy even if they don't know about it...and usually it is to either gluten or dairy. So if you are having health problems but cannot seem to figure out where they may be coming from, I would look into seeing if you could have a food have no idea how much it can mess your system up. However in general, almost anytime I exercise I have an allergic reaction. Along with my lungs closing, I break out into hives all over my body, more concentrated from my scalp to my upper thighs and my whole body itches, My face begins to swell and my eyes and lips swell up. It's painful and very unattractive. I'm actually sitting here right now itching and having some slight trouble breathing. Not sure what it's from this time.
-weight gain: now I'll admit a lot of this may be due to the way I've been eating for the last 2 years or so, but I was also diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was about 12, meaning that my thyroid doesn't work at the rate it should which affects my metabolism, energy, everything. But in about the last 2 years I've gained about 20 pounds and reached a number on the scale that is horrendous. I do not feel that I'm "fat" or not pretty but I am overweight for my age and height and do not feel comfortable in my clothes, which keep getting bigger. A lot of that has to do with my diet but there are other health problems like my thryoid that are attributing to it also.
-no energy: I am constantly tired, I could sleep all day every day if I could. I don't have motivation to go to class, do homework, workout or anything else. I constantly feel drained and even when I get good sleep, which is most nights because I'm always tired, I still have no energy.
-digestion: Here's where you may learn a little too much about me but this is a major part of why I'm doing what I'm doing so here ya go! My digestion system must not be anywhere close to up to par because I am constantly bloated and the healthy number of, em, movements you're supposed to have a day is 2-3....well that was my numbers for a week....not healthy. 90% of cancers start in the colon. If your system is not working well and you are not regular, the toxins from what we eat, etc, just sits in our system and then leaks back into our bodies which creates free radicals which leads to cancers and other diseases.
....I think those are the main points and the biggest health problems I'm experiencing right now, but this is a daily thing for me. I'm constantly tired and unmotivated, bloated, inconstant and infrequent, itching, can't breathe sometimes when just sitting much less when walking to class or trying to be active, I'm unable to work out, any kind of exercise causes my lungs to close and me to break out into hives and swell. While as I stated earlier these things are miniscule compared to what millions are struggling with, to me, this is no way to live and if there are things I can do about it, I've reached a point where I am fed up with being out of shape, overweight, sluggish and unhealthy and I'm starting the journey towards a healthier, happier, and while I'm working on my physical I'll also be working on my emotional, mental, and spiritual, so a more consecrated and dedicated me!
To the 1 or 2 of you that may read this in the next 5 years, thanks for following me! This may be more for me to stay dedicated and keep myself accountable, but if it could help someone else or help get someone else interested in changing their lifestyle for the better, yay for that!
It's 12:30am right now and I still have to go do Spanish work so I'll save the rest of what I was going to write about for tomorrow's post. It will be about the appointment I had with an iridologist and the things she told me which confirmed all my thoughts and fears and my appointment with Creative Health tomorrow for my first it....but you'll probably gag or have nightmares so brace yourselves. Gnight!