Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ohhhhh boy.

Well, boys and girls, it's been 2 months and 12 days since I last wrote in this blog. Perhaps if I change the main reasoning behind this blog I'll write in it more. I haven't written in so long because I honestly haven't been doing much of anything on the health home front. I am now taking Singulair for my exercise induced asthma and allergic reactions, and I asked to begin taking Diflucan for the overgrowth of yeast in my body which I believe is affecting everything from my digestive system to weight gain to my lungs however I was under the impression that I would need to take Diflucan for weeks, maybe months but instead the doctor gave me 4 pills of the generic brand of the drug. I know that I told him that I feel that I am a walking ball of yeast but I guess he wasn't listening or didn't take me seriously. I really feel that if I could get rid of the yeast overgrowth in my body which is contributing to my carb cravings, low energy, etc, that things would get a lot better.

I've also asked mom and dad to chip in and get me a personal trainer at the gym here at Clemson campus, Fike, for Christmas, Instead of more clothes or jewelry I'd much rather get a personal trainer for 2 or 3 months and finally get rid of this extra weight and get in the habit of working out multiple times a week but apparently if there isn't someone there waiting for me, I'm not going to go. Hopefully that will work out because I'm getting tired of seeing pictures of myself where I'm so much heavier than I used to be. I've got about 30 or so pounds to lose. And I want to do it before the spring so I don't have to spend another summer not wanting to put on a bathing suit or trying to find cover ups.

Anyway, I've decided to change this blog from a health update and strictly about health to just about life in general. Perhaps I'll have more to write about. Or perhaps I'll find the other parts of my life too personal to put on an internet blog and I'll save those for my journal. Who knows. We'll give it a shot.

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