Friday, August 7, 2009

Long Time No Type

Well hello friends, here I am again, 4 months later. I told you I'm bad at keeping up with these things. I seriously want to write in my journal but I'm still debating over whether this would be easier to keep up with. ::sigh:: Anywho, so summer's officially over now -panic- i've got this weekend and next week before school starts and those will be spent doing laundry, packing, etc. I'm more than ready to get back to Clemson, my roomates, and closer to graduating but it's sad to think I'll be throw back into the crazy hurricane that is school work, exams, etc. I swear sometimes I feel like I'm so behind in life when I see where my friends/peers are, etc, but a lot of that is due to ME making stupid decisions so I'm the only one to blame. On the other hand when I think about how all of my friends are married and having children I FREAK OUT to think of me married right now and pregnant or working on having children, there's NO WAY I'm ready for that. My cousin John-Paul once told me that he thought the more interesting lives were the ones who didn't go with the same flow as everyone elses and happened at different times, etc. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. i agree with your cousin =]
    and you should keep up with your blog! we can have roomie blog time together so we can have awesome blogs ppl will want to read and we will be FAMOUS. and celebrate at friends.
